Thursday, April 27, 2006

Nintendo Wii... Wii for weird, uh?
Unexpected, really unexpected... I'm too surprised as you are.
Yeah, this was announced on ThursDay, but... wow, this was a really unexpected Tortus Day...
But, hey, after all, this was as I said you all the time, I'm surprised that Nintendo continues with this even when I've talked about the Tortus Days... But, well, It's clear that, now. Thursday (and sometimes, TuesDay) is a great Day for Nintendo... after all, the ThursDay is the Fifth day of the week, can see?what do you think?
Welcome Nintendo Wii... weird name, yeah, but, hey, if a rose lost his name, won't it be beautiful? Nintendo Wii...
Well, after it, I have to say good bye to Famicom Revolution... I have three domains for the new Wii... I hope you can help me to choice the better:
may be the second is a good url... but, what do you think?
What do you think about Nintendo Wii-Fi Connection, uh? funny, isn't?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
More Games
Konami's First Revolution Title Revealed
April 26, 2006 - Japan's Weekly Famitsu was promising a big Revolution scoop this week, and this appears to be it. The magazine is home to first details on Konami's first Revolution game, the all original Elebits. Shingo Mukaitouge, known for his work on the Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania series, is serving as producer.
The magazine was able to reveal only a few specifics on the new title. In Elebits, players move around a game world, attempting to find and collect Elebit creatures. Elebits are small and cute like Pikmin, but they actually serve as the energy source that makes the game's world move. The "Ele" in the name appears to stand for Electricity, with the "Bits" reflecting that the characters are tiny.As you find Elebits, the game world will slowly evolve. The game will offer a feel of "hunting," suggesting that perhaps the Elebits won't just be sitting around waiting to get caught.
Specifics, including genre and gameplay systems, will have to wait until a future update, although Mukaitouge was able to add a few more details in an interview with the magazine.
The Elebits game design stems from three concepts, Mukaitouge revealed: letting the player feel like they're actually touching the inside of the screen; finding stuff by moving things; and Konami's creation of a new character, the Elebits themselves.
The first two areas are of particular interest due to their dependence on the Revolution's controller. Konami wanted to be sure and create something that could not be replicated on an existing controller. While not going into specifics on how exactly players will use the controller, Mukaitouge suggested the image of real time movements of on-screen objects based on movements of the controller.
With the cute Elebit characters, Elebits may seem like it targets casual users. The game will include some stages that can be played in under 10 minutes, but core gamers will also find lots of secret content. Network functionality is also being considered, although this is an area that will get Konami's attention only once the single player experience has been fully developed.
Further details on Elebits are expected at E3. The game is currently without a release date.
Rock and ROLL!! Sega unveils a "new" Monkey Game...
Super Monkey Ball Joins the Revolution
April 26, 2006 - SEGA, why must you torment us so? Haven't you taken enough hours/days/weeks of our lives already with your Super Monkey Ball mini-games?
In any case, SEGA announced today that Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is in development for the Revolution, and is designed to fully exploit the console's newfangled controller.
Aiai and all his pals have signed on for the sequel, and for the first time in a Monkey Ball game the primates can jump when the player flicks the controller upwards. This should add another dimension to the single-player puzzle levels, as well as open up a world of possibilities for the ever popular mini-games. Ring toss and "Whack-a-mole" scenarios are just two of the new party games SEGA has planned.
While SEGA hasn't released any screenshots just yet, the magic eight ball says it's likely we'll find out more about the game at E3.
No Online Game with Tecmo's (Online-)Golf Game?
Tecmo Ditches Online Play
April 26, 2006 - Tecmo was one of the first Japanese publishers to announce support for the Revolution, with Skatto Golf Pangya Revolution seeming to come out of nowhere this past February. The latest issue of Famitsu has first details on the Revolution version of the Korean-developed golf game, including an interview with Tecmo producer Keisuke Kikuchi.
Kikuchi, who's known for his work on the Gallop Racer and Fatal Frame series, revealed to the magazine that Tecmo is approaching the Revolution title as an original game, rather than a port of the PC version. Tecmo wants to create a new golf game standard with the game, focusing on three areas: enjoyment from moving the controller to play the game, providing a better defined world over the PC version, and allowing players to play a little bit every day for a long time.The PC version made its name as an online title, but the Revolution version looks like it will be a strictly offline experience. The focus of the Revolution version will be on offline play, Kikuchi revealed to the magazine. Tecmo is not planning on including competitive online play, although Kikuchi hopes to have downloadable content.
Of course, the game's control scheme is likely to draw the most attention. Kikuchi feels that players will enjoy moving their bodies to play the game. On top of the Revolution worthy control scheme, Tecmo is also working on a fully button-based input system which allows for precise controls.
Tecmo is working on plenty of new content for the Revolution version. The game will include multiple characters, each with a storyline. As you work through the story, you'll earn new costumes.
Skatto Golf Pangya Revolution is set to launch with the Revolution in Japan later this year.
- - - - -I think It's clear that 20th was the begin of all this, as I said. More news coming in those days!!
--Revolution Now
--Link TorTus
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Do you want to have a nice conversation about Nintendo, the Revolution, the Nintendo Vision and more?
Tired of Serious Gamers, japanokos, revs, insiders, developers and more?
Do you want to ask questions about Revolution info and possibilities, or do you want to send miyamoto a poem?
Do you want to share info with the man that had a lot of right sentences in the ATX forum and his blog, and now is reloaded for more fun?
Now, call to 1-800-tortus5 ($10 per minute, or per 64 games).
Or, if you don't have money, then Add me to MSN: (only night-service, boy). But you won't hear my sexy voice.
Seriously, what do you need? more fakers? insiders? developers? Call now and you will have a kick in the ass totally FREE!! (ring... ring... Reggie isn't in line, please try later... btw, Reggie wants your mom... to play with the DS... of course... :P ). With the Tortus Hot Line or Hot Mail you won't have any more Insider guy (faker guy). Tortus is a gamer as you, and Tortus can understand you... so, Call Now!
Tired of cheap humor? then, forget this post and email-me or chat-me to:
(btw, Microsoft Live Mail really sucks, men).
Monday, April 24, 2006
I'm Back
Play Revolution Before Anyone
April 20, 2006 - Nintendo on Thursday afternoon announced a partnership with that is sure to please anybody anticipating the successor to GameCube, still-codenamed Revolution. Through a contest with AOL, the Big N is planning to fly three lucky finalists to its media briefing and the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006 to see and play the latest and greatest the company has to offer. Better yet, one of these three finalists will be "the first person in the world to play Nintendo's next home console," according to the firm. This statement is not exactly true since thousands of developers and some media have already gone hands-on with the system, but hey, it sure sounds nice.
Three finalists will eventually make the cut and the luckiest of all participants will even take the stage at Nintendo's Kodak Theatre media briefing to play Revolution before anybody else in attendance.
"No consumer has ever played this new Nintendo system before," said George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "But more importantly, no one has ever interacted with video games in this way before. Our next home console will revolutionize how people play and experience video games."
"As one of the leading game destinations on the Web, we are thrilled to partner with Nintendo to give our AOL Games community the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be the very first person to play the highly anticipated Revolution console," said Ralph Rivera, vice president & general manager, AOL Games.
Entrants do not need to be members of AOL, but they will need to be 18 or older to participate in the contest.
Revolution Details Coming to Famitsu
April 20, 2006 - Revolution is starting to get some buzz even in Japan. Earlier today, we reported on a scan of an upcoming issue of Jump Magazine that seemed to confirm Dragon Ball Z for Revolution. While the validity of the scan has yet to be confirmed, we can confirm one Revolution bit: a Revolution game or games will be unveiled on the pages of Famitsu next week. Famitsu is currently publishing a "scoops" section in each week's issue, leading up to E3. This week's scoop was Ridge Racer 7 for the PlayStation 3. In its preview for next week's issue, the magazine promises details on Revolution software as part of the scoops section. It may be one game, it may be more than one game -- we'll have to wait until next week to find out for sure.
Check back late next week for more.
Nights Set For Revolution?
April 20, 2006 - Each weekly issue of Japan's Famitsu magazine has a tiny rumor section, a small black box taking up less than 1/6 of one of the black and white pages buried in the middle of the magazine. A couple of weeks back, the rumor section stated that Sega would be bringing a Yakuza (Ryu Ga Gotoku) sequel to the PlayStation 3. This week, something even juicier: Revolution will be getting an action game in which you fly a clown-like magician through the sky. The game will be made by a game creator who recently went independent.
Put a few pieces together, and this rumor seems to suggest that Sega's Nights Into Dreams will at last be getting a sequel, and it will be on the Revolution.The rumor story goes on to hint that this little bit has something to do with a recent conversation the writers had with someone who created a famous bearded character.
Series creator Yuji Naka has, in previous interviews, hinted that he would like a special controller interface for a sequel to the game that many consider to be one of the Saturn's finest titles. We're not sure what famous bearded characters Naka has made in the past, though.
Rumors of a new Nights have officially appeared on the eve of every E3/CES since the original's release back in 1996. The fact that this is coming from Famitsu's rumor section gets us a bit more excited, but we'll wait for confirmation before letting our dreams run wild.
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam
April 21, 2006 - Nintendo's official magazine published with the announcement that Tony Hawk Downhill Jam is coming to Revolution later this year. The game's title is pretty much self-explanatory, so for now we'll just have to leave it at that.
IGN has already seen the game in motion and will have impressions and other materials at a later date. Stay tuned for that.
Atari Makes Revolution DBZ Official
April 24, 2006 - Today Atari confirmed that Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is indeed in development for Nintendo Revolution, as IGN announced last week. This will be the first next-generation Dragon Ball game, and it sounds like it will make good use of the Revolution's unique controller possibilities.
A sequel to last year's Tenkaichi, the game combines action, fighting and light RPG elements in a story that spans the entire Dragon Ball universe. The title features more than 100 playable characters, 15 destructible 3D environments, and nine different game modes, including both single and multiplayer battles.
Tenkaichi also boasts new new in-game transformations and puts the Revolution controller to full use. "Using the Nintendo Revolution controller, players will be able to mimic signature moves as they are performed in the Dragon Ball Z animated series, such as Goku's Kamehameha, moving both hands to executive this devastating energy attack," Atari stated.
Atari has the Revolution version of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 set for a "holiday release." The PS2 build is scheduled to ship this October and we fully expect the Nintendo version to arrive at the same time.
SpongeBob and Avatar Hit Revolution
April 24, 2006 - Publishing giant THQ today announced that it has inked a deal with Nickelodeon to bring popular games based on the highly-rated television shows SpongeBob SquarePants and Avatar: The Last Airbender to Nintendo's new generation console, codenamed Revolution. Both titles are scheduled for release on Revolution this fall, just in time for the launch of the system.
"We look forward to continuing our very successful alliance with THQ in the interactive entertainment market," said Stephen Youngwood, executive vice president, Nickelodeon Digital Media. "This year's lineup gives kids the opportunity to have fun with all their favorite Nickelodeon characters, as well as several of our newest shows and movies."
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab, enables players to explore the surreal world of Bikini Bottom as it transforms into uniquely different visual styles. The title, which offers a wide range of platformer mechanics, will make full use of the Revolution controller for some inspired new play opportunities. Blitz Games is developing Krusty Krab for Revolution. The studio announced several months ago that it was working on a big project for Nintendo's new system. SpongeBob would appear to be that title.
Avatar: The Last Airbender enables gamers to play as show characters Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Haru as they team up to use kung fu-inspired bending arts. Gamers will traverse through dour Avatar nations and gawk over beautifully detailed environments inspired by scenarios from the show. THQ's Studio Australia is making Avatar for Nintendo's new generation system.
So, the Revolution is coming...
uh... matt?
--Revolution Now
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Revolution is beginning!!!
You will say Wow.
--Revolution Now
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Good Bye
Because this name, this project won't be unveiled, so, it's useless to talk about a project that you won't be noticed about. But, I said you some interesting things about the NEAR project, and you will see those to become real.
Some "politics" of Nintendo has changed this year. I won't talk about NEAR any more, but, the Revolution will have some ideas of this project. And you will say Wow!!
Want the last info? well, in this info there is a clue about a new secret. Do you think I will let you to discover it too easy? hahaha. Now, where do you can find this info? well, search for Nintendo - Near instead Famicom Revolution, more clear isn't possible.
Every Gamer who plays. Every Gamer who used to play. Even those who have yet to play. Revolution is for you
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Revolutionary Worlds
Some of the Revolution's Games are:
-Metroid Prime 3 [Nintendo]
-Super Smash Bros Revolution [Nintendo]
-Super Mario [Nintendo]
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [Nintendo]
-Mario Kart Revolution [Nintendo]
-Revolution Wars [Nintendo]
-Pokémon New Gen [Nintendo]
-Animal Crossing Concept [Nintendo]
-"Konga Konga" [Nintendo]
-Red Steel [UbiSoft]
-Rayman 4 [UbiSoft]
-Killing Day [UbiSoft]
-Call of Duty R [Activision]
-Spider Man 3 [Activision]
-Tony Hawk's [Activision]
-Naruto [Eighting developer]
-Crystal Chronicles [Square-Enix]
-Albatross 18 Wi-Fi [Tecmo]
-James Bond 007: Casino Royale [Electronic Arts]
-All Electronic Arts Sports Series [Electronic Arts]
-Sonic Revolutions [Sega]
-Cars [THQ]
-Medical Simulator [Atlus]
-Raid over the River [Nibris]
-Sadness [Nibris]
-Thorn [crossbeam Studios]
-Darkness [crossbeam Studios]
-The Orb [crossbeam Studios]
-"Paint as Bob Ross" [---]-"Killer 51" [Grasshoper Developer]
And a lot of projects more as: Activision's Projects, UbiSoft's Projects, Capcom's Projects, AQ Interactive Projects, Blitz Games Project, Midway Project, n-Space's FPS Projects, Camelot's RPG, More EA's Projects, THQ's Projects, Sega's Projects, Square Enix's Projects, Namco-Bandai's Projects... etc, etc.
The Famicom will have a lot of games, a lot of Second parties Developments, a great support from third parties and amazing first party's games. The Famicom will be a better console than any console that Nintendo has done before the Nintendo DS. The Entertainment for the 21th Century: the Revolution, and most important, the Disrupter Development.
With new genres, new applications, the games that appears here are very few and not too amazing.
What you have to know about all this is: The Disrupter Development of the Revolution will have not only a videogame machine, not, it will be something new and amazing. As Nintendogs, Brain Age, and more, are. But you will have a VR, the future of some videogames.
Join the Future
Enjoy the Future.
Change your paradigms.
By the Way, tomorrow I will talk about NEAR... for the last time. Are you ready?
Friday, April 07, 2006
Do you want pics? well, you have 'em:

want information? the Endangered blog has this:
"the sword and guns can be twisted in your hand, by twisting the rev's remote. so you can shoot gangster style and block with the sword. also, there is split screen and online multiplayer planned, just no details yet. you can also jump over and take cover behind objects by moving the rev's remote towards a upturned table or a wall, and reload by pulling the remote back."Endangered says that the pics are ingame 100%. But, I found this interesting thnig about Red Steel in the most popular blog about Revolution: :
You will also be able to lob grenades by imitating throwing a ball with the controller in your hand, or even roll it along the ground with an underhand throw..."
'The longer we played with it the more natural if felt, and the more quickly we mowed down the targets. strafing around the targets is incredibly easy, as keeping the controller pointed at the object, while you move around with the analog stick keeps you focused on the target. Aim felt similar to using a computer mouse, as it is possible to quickly explore every direction in a three dimension space with quick gestures.'
“In many situations, there will be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him, and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect, and help. The enemies will surrender their guns, and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path, or another reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded. As it always takes more skill to spare a life, than to take it”
“Although the majority of Red Steel’s gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close, and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enough to an enemy, you can use it for one-hit stealth kills. In other moments you’ll find yourself locked into intense one-on-one sword duels.”
As you know, FalafelKid and his blog "Nintendo Revolution: Definitive Speculation" is off until E3 '05. Falafel gave clues that he is now under a NDA. And then, he gives us that reason:
Obvious, the Red Steel game that he posted isn't the Revolution Game, he only took the name. And he has said after the unveilement of GI:
Since GI took the liberty of publishing the story already (ahead of the arranged embargo, as far as I know), allow me to point out that what you see in those scans are ´tentative screenshots´ if you will. I can´t go into detail, but it´s not certain that we´ll end up with those graphics precisely. Then again, ´Red Steel´ will shine by gameplay merit alone. Trust me. They could be screenshots alright. But they could be running on all sorts of hardware.So, is Falafel a new "insider"? we hope that he is right and he's not fooling us.
Altough it, What Game Informer publish is really interesting. And the images are great if they are in real time actually. The first unveiled game of Revolution System is here. The Reality Simulation is within us.
By now, the Comments are totally active!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Sony will talk before Nintendo
This will be the first conference before E3, and when the PS3 will be revealed, hoping a lot of surprises to be announced and revealed. As games, the price, final design, the controller, and more.
The date of this conference will give to Nintendo the chance to kick asses at their conference one day after, when they know what Sony will unveil about their PS3.
UPDATE (5-april-06):
SCEE (Sony Computer Enterteinment of Europe) had announced that the price of the PS3 will be around 500 or 600 euros.
Instead the XBox 360's price $300- $400 USD. And, around three times the price of the next Famicom codenamed Revolution.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The begin of a new era

The patent of Sony

A PS2 controller

the Glide FX for PS2 and PS3
A New concept of controller is here. The Nintendo Concept, as always. The XWand of Microsoft was patented in 2002, but, now, it has a chance. the new Glide FX is the proof that the Nintendo idea is the better. But, the Revmote controller is better than any of the revo-based controllers. I don't care about how many companies will copy Nintendo, this is a Revolution, after all. But, the Revolution will be gained by Nintendo.
The Controller is a great thing for the next Famicom, but it isn't all.