Nintendo Wii... Wii for weird, uh?
Unexpected, really unexpected... I'm too surprised as you are.
Yeah, this was announced on ThursDay, but... wow, this was a really unexpected Tortus Day...
But, hey, after all, this was as I said you all the time, I'm surprised that Nintendo continues with this even when I've talked about the Tortus Days... But, well, It's clear that, now. Thursday (and sometimes, TuesDay) is a great Day for Nintendo... after all, the ThursDay is the Fifth day of the week, can see?what do you think?
Welcome Nintendo Wii... weird name, yeah, but, hey, if a rose lost his name, won't it be beautiful? Nintendo Wii...
Well, after it, I have to say good bye to Famicom Revolution... I have three domains for the new Wii... I hope you can help me to choice the better:
may be the second is a good url... but, what do you think?
What do you think about Nintendo Wii-Fi Connection, uh? funny, isn't?
te alabo! el logo del Revolution fue mostrado precisamente en un jueves, un ThursDay. lo has repetido, Igualito que con el juego de LOL. En estos ultimos dias estuviste diciendo "aunque les mostrara el logo del revolution, no me creerían", y ahora, un jueves, otro jueves, otro tortus day, se ha mostrado el gran logo del Revolution, digo, Wii.
Gracias por estas pisTas. Eres el mejor, sin duda!! claro que todos nos quedamos sorprendidos por el nombre, pero desde que empesaste a hablar del logo ya me imaginaba que algo asi llegaria pronto, gracias, muchas gracias.
It's weird...
but, you will adopt this name with the time, and in the near future, you will see Wii as that Revolutionary system Nintendo has promised us...
Believe... N Wii
Apocaliptik: muchas gracias. Aquí estaré dandole duro con esto que se pone realmente muy emocionante, el Nintendo Wii. Efectivamente tiene un gran logo, y el nombre realmente es in-creible (no creible, pues).
Something that is weird is this blog.
IO profil analyzitate DO ne exemplarimentum.
Nintendo has commited suicide!
WHat are there commercial's gonna be come wii with me, wanna see my wii?
Touch my wii??
I gotta wii?
Jesus they are morons.
Why didnt they just name it the nintendo dick or cock?
Or nintendo piss
Don't ignore my post, please:
" Well, I(still) think that the 20th wasn't the beginning of anything at all.
Let's see some proof of that, shall we?
March 31st: Bob Ross Painting announced.
April 7th: Red Steel revealed
April 11th: Red Steel officially announced.
April 12th: New details on Sadness
April 13th: Ubisoft promises games other than from Red Steel
April 18th: Hudson announces flight game for revo
(Courtesy: IGN Revo News Archive)
It's quite clear that here was already a steady stream of news before the 20th.
Strange how you ignore some information to uphold your theory..."
The only thing I find funny, Tortus, is that you failed to reply to the above guys valid post several times.
Sorry, but I post only by the nights. I can't attend you all the time. But, in the next entry, I've respond.
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