Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sony will talk before Nintendo

Sony had announced that they will have their pre-E3 conference at May 8th.

This will be the first conference before E3, and when the PS3 will be revealed, hoping a lot of surprises to be announced and revealed. As games, the price, final design, the controller, and more.

The date of this conference will give to Nintendo the chance to kick asses at their conference one day after, when they know what Sony will unveil about their PS3.

UPDATE (5-april-06):
SCEE (Sony Computer Enterteinment of Europe) had announced that the price of the PS3 will be around 500 or 600 euros.
Instead the XBox 360's price $300- $400 USD. And, around three times the price of the next Famicom codenamed Revolution.


Blogger GWX said...

So is the that controller by fishkill going to be the STANDARD conttroller for PS3 or optional?---as in only for specific games...or will they stick with the OLD PS2-PSone controller as standard and then that fishkil controller as option for some games?
It definetly does NOT have the 3d space movement like REVOLUTION controller right?

05 April, 2006 06:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sin embargo, me esta oliendo raro eso de presentarse antes y de la nada, me huele a copia o algo asi...

05 April, 2006 15:18  
Blogger Tortus said...

Surely you'll have the standard controller (Boomerang), but with the option to use the N-ew Controller.
The Glide FX controller is without the movement-sensor. But, the other version has a special 2D movement sensor, just for FPS Games.

If Sony copies Nintendo, they will blow away Sony with the last secrets. As I said, the Controller is only a part of the Revolution. The Revolution is about Disrupter Development.

05 April, 2006 20:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey por ahi diecen que fue confusion lo del precio pero que igual rondaria entre 400 y 500, igual me sigue pareciendo caro

05 April, 2006 21:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your friend aZm admited to be fake...

06 April, 2006 19:12  
Blogger Tortus said...

"Your friend aZm admited to be fake..." -jhon

And, I'm happy. I've ever said that I can't believe him, because he's not an iNsider. What I needed of his blog has been token. But, I like this guy, because he likes Nintendo, don't care if he's out.

And you can see, the Revolution is Soon. We don't need any more hype, but, I will be here at the End. Am I an insider? have I any NDA? No.

Behind .

06 April, 2006 21:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Microsoft's conference:

"It continued with another interesting announcement: companies like Konami, Hudson, Namco, SNK and D3 have presented that several of their titles will be available for XBox 360 through Xbox Live, some of the games are Pacman and Galaga."

Tortus is right! A Retro-War has begun! wow!

06 April, 2006 22:00  

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