Monday, March 20, 2006

What do you want that I should say about Revolution?

The beggining of GDC... tired days...

Well, I've talking about the Revolution in the last days.

I unveiled what means the Tortus Day. I give you a trace about Revolution Environment (remember that I can't say anything with exactitude, because it's similar but new). I was answering every question you send me.

you want to read about NEAR?
weel, it's easy. this is a Revolution's Project. the main idea with this project is that the gamer should be the more nearest posible to the videogame, and with this, you will be more inside the game. This project is a philosophy.

Many of you said: is it "Nintendo Entertainment Augmented Reality"?. Not, it's not.
This project is Nintendo Environment Applied Reality.

en español, realidad aplicada en el ambiente del juego de Nintendo.

And what about this? Well, the idea of using a monitor instead a TV was one of the first ideas of this project. Because you are nearer with a monitor than with a TV, and the LCD monitor is a great screen. But, it's also about its portability of the Revolution. With a handheld system you're nearer than with a console system.
The ultimate step of the NEAR project is 3D Environmet. How? with 3D Stereoscopic? with Augmented Reality? well, they are great options. nintendo wants to see which is better. Which will we see on Revolution? I'm not sure. Surely you will have a great theater to fill... (...) ...
I'm not sure.

And what about the Touch Sensitive Feature of the Revolution? Well, I think this is about the Connectivity (or well, a part of) Secret. But i said you. With the Revmote you can touch... what? the air... you don't see it? what about the air? read some lines above...

And what about the Graphics?
Well, the Revolution will be a compilation of the story of videogaming. So, you can have 8bits graphics, 16bits graphics, 32bits graphics, 64bits graphics, 128bits graphics and yes, the Next Gen of graphics that you're seeing around. The Graphics less than 128 or Next Gen are not only for retro games... as well for new and amazing games...

and the games?
there are a lot of development around Revolution. A lot of developers and a lot of titles. You will know about more than 150 titles in the days of this fiscal year 2006, at least. How many titles for Launch? I'm not sure. What about 20, at least?
You will see the same games that you know. But you will know a lot of new types of games. And also, a new and immersive gameplay for the wellknown games. They are awaiting the Environment Secrets, and other secrets to be unveiled.

Of course, there are a lot of hermetism around here. This was what I can got.

You have any questions? send me a mail to




Blogger Unknow said...


21 March, 2006 11:47  
Blogger Tortus said...

What does this "..........." mean?

21 March, 2006 13:04  

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