The ReturN of the KiNg.
March 2.

The day when All the World saw that the King has returned, has returned on his territory, and nearly, he will return to the entirely world; and his FamiCom will prevail... again.
Nintendo has Japan on his haNDS. The Nintendo DS Lite didn't was a success only because his great design. It was a great success because the Nintendo DS is already a success, and all people in Japan loves the DS. Even those who doesn't play games a lot.

From the night previous to the launching, much people were in service to acquire this revolutionary system. Nintendo DS is the greatest blow in Japan in the history of the video games.
When PSP and DS were launched, Satoru Iwata said that they will prove that his vision was the correct for the Gaming Industry. Since the last months we can see that Iwata San was correct. With new software and applications as Brain Age, Nintendogs, Wi-Fi Connection, new innovative games as Trauma Center, Lost in Blue, Animal Crossing, Meteos, Phoenix Wright, Advance Wars DS, Wario Ware Touched, Kirby Canvas, and a lot of games more. The DS is the proof that the King has returned and his vision, this time, is the correct.

And now, the old King of the Games Industry will take the Industry on a new way... yes, again. This new way is better. The first time was for to approach people; this time, will be to approach the most people possible. And with the DS, the first great step was done.
The Famicom Revolution will be the second step. This Year is Nintendo's Year, this Year is Revolution's Year. This Year is the Year when the Gaming Industry has changed in the Home Consoles Sector and will consolidate the HandHelds Sector.

What can I say? I can give too many explanations of why the DS and Nintendo are the greatest company of videogames in Japan and almost the world. But, not, you must know why. I only can say that the KiNg has ReturNed. That the Collosus is awaken. That the Nintendo is here, again.

The day when All the World saw that the King has returned, has returned on his territory, and nearly, he will return to the entirely world; and his FamiCom will prevail... again.

From the night previous to the launching, much people were in service to acquire this revolutionary system. Nintendo DS is the greatest blow in Japan in the history of the video games.

And now, the old King of the Games Industry will take the Industry on a new way... yes, again. This new way is better. The first time was for to approach people; this time, will be to approach the most people possible. And with the DS, the first great step was done.

What can I say? I can give too many explanations of why the DS and Nintendo are the greatest company of videogames in Japan and almost the world. But, not, you must know why. I only can say that the KiNg has ReturNed. That the Collosus is awaken. That the Nintendo is here, again.
Nice Blog.
I'll read you, dear Tortus. I hope to see more of these interesting aspects of Revolution.
Que pésimo ingles, y eso que estas estudiando una maestría. Que porqueria
- Stink El Tortas -
"El Tortas":
El que este dado a los errores en gramatica no tiene nada que ver con mis estudios. En si, nunca tome clases de ingles.
Tal vez es porque he tratado de aprender varios idiomas sin una guia el porqué mi ingles no es muy bueno.
Si pudieras decirme mis errores gramaticales o sintacticos del ingles, te lo agradeceria muchisimo.
Tu amigo Tortus.
jajaja, no ma, que cajeto nick te pusiste stink tortas, jajaja, que ojete te viste.
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