Hi Everybody, I’m Tortus, and as I said two weeks ago, this is the new face of the Tortus Day. But first, what is the Tortus Day?
The Tortus Day
The Tortus Day is an upcoming event in wich Nintendo will release his latest Revolution. It’s coming, and they will have a great allied for the Revolution. And, it’s Tortus, It’s the Tortus Game. Can you read between lines?
When will be the Tortus Day? The Tortus Day is coming in fall 2006. Nintendo unveiled it at least. But, there are too many “Tortus Days”. Nintendo unveiled the most greatest: May 9th. There, Nintendo will unveil the Famicom Revolution and their beloved games. And, one of they will be a greatest game. But, there will be more great games, fantastic games, and yes, new applications.
Why Tortus Day? Well, it isn’t a only one Day. But Tortus will be there, in the Great Day. The Nintendo Day, the Revolution Day. But, Tortus Day is a term used only by me, because I’m named Tortus, Link Tortus.
Who am I?
I’m named Tortus, but I’m a gamer as you, I’m 20 years old, my name is Hero, well it’s a lie, I’m not 20, but I have 20 years since I am a Gamer. You can ask yourself why my English isn’t too good, it’s ‘cause I’m not from U.S. or England, my natal language is the Spanish. Don’t care about it. There are too many secrets of the Nintendo Revolution, and I’m here to solve the great question: What is the Revolution?
The Nintendo Revolution
The Nintendo Revolution is the great chance for Nintendo to take the VideoGaming industry and, one more time, redirect it in a new way. The Revolution is the answer of Nintendo to the Sony’s Kingdom and hers Play Stations. The First war is here: the Nintendo DS, the first Revolution machine, is having a great war against Sony’s Play Station Portable (PSP) and the wishes of Sony to have the Gaming Industry also in the handheld sector. But, already, Nintendo DS is winning this war, because its most innovative elements as Dual Screen, Touch Screen and more. This war began on fall 2004.
The New war, concentrated in home-console systems, will begin this year, where Nintendo will battle against Sony and her PlayStation 3 and Microsoft and his XBox 360.
But, the idea behind Revolution is more than winning battles against their competitors, Nintendo want to redirect the Gaming Industry into a new way, but which is the new way?
The Reality Simulation
As I explained before, Nintendo Revolution is the most advanced project of Nintendo and the evolution of games. All began with the Reality Project. But, after 10 years since then, the Reality Project has become in the Revolution Project: Reality Simulation.
If you want to know more about RS (Reality Simulation), then, read it:
Yes, I know there are too many people that even said the same, that the Revolution Project is the final phase of the Reality Project. But, they didn’t say that RS is “Reality Simulation”, they didn’t say RS is a new project, not Reality itself. But, it’s true that the bases and the development of this great project began with the Reality Project. But, the Reality Simulation Project began after year 2000, it began in 2002.
The Project
The Reality Simulation begun in the year of 2002, or maybe, in begins 2003, but I think this was in fall 2002. Nintendo planned to launch their new consoles in 2005. The now named DS and Revolution were those consoles. One of they based on Game Boy, and the other, based on Famicom. But, Nintendo has to adjust to the plans of their competitors, so, the DS launched one year before, and the Revolution will be launched one year after.
Both systems are based in the Revolution Project: the Reality Simulation.
So, Nintendo DS built in the Touch Screen and the microphone to be a simulator more realistic. The Wi-Fi, the Dual Screen and the slots are the complement of the experience.
With the touch screen, the DS had a great analogical controller, more than the analog sticks of the home-consoles. And this controller is the most precise that we have in a handheld console. The Reality Environment of the DS is the dual screen and the microphone. We know, the DS isn’t the most Reality Simulation system that we can have, but, based on Game Boy, this is the better. But, what if we can have more?
The Famicom Revolution
So, then, we have the next Nintendo system: the (by me) named Famicom Revolution.
But, what will be the Famicom Revolution? The Famicom Revolution is the most complete Reality Simulation System. I talked about what conforms the DS Revolution, the first aspect is the controller, and we have a touch screen, the typical buttons and a microphone; we have an environment, and we have the two screens, the microphone, the stereo sound and the wi-fi; but, we also have features, and we have the 2 slots, the wi-fi and many others.
The Controller
Nintendo unveiled a prototype of his controller on TGS (Tokio Game Show) 05 on September 16th, with this controller, we have a revolutionary way to interact with the system. It’s ‘cause the controller is a 3D Movement pointer. This is more than the 2D Movement pointer of the DS, so, it’s more realistic. It has the form of a Remote Controller, doing the Nintendo consoles more apt for all people, as the DS is like a palm. The Revmote controller has a D-Pad (won’t Nintendo leave this?), a main button called A, a trigger called B, two additional buttons (called X and Y or a and b), and, four function-buttons, the On, the Home, the Select and the Start. But, the Revmote Controller has the possibility to expand itself, an example is the nunchaku, which has an analog stick and two additional triggers. But, you can use two of the controllers at the same time, it depends of the game played. But, you can use in the future more add-ons than the nunchaku.
More details about controlling the Console will be unveiled at GDC 06 and/or E3 06.
The Environment
The Environment of the Revolution is the most great secret of the Revolution. And also, it will be much more realistic environment that the one in the DS or in the Game Cube. Do you want to know more about the Environment of the games? You’ll have to wait until GDC or well, read this blog in the next days.
The Features
The Revolution has a clear thing, and I will talk about this philosophy in the next days to demonstrate hidden aspects of the Revolution. With the Revolution, you can have games of all the generations, you can have much more things that you already knew. So, do you want to read more about it? I’ll post something the next week.
The Games
You’re waiting so long, and you don’t know a lot of aspects about Famicom Revolution, and also, you have to wait more, for I to speak about controller, environment and features. But, I can put a list of 14 games that are already announced his titles for the Revolution:
-Metroid Prime 3
-Super Smash Bros Revolution
-Super Mario
-The Legend of Zelda
-Crystal Chronicles
-Albatross 18 Wi-Fi
-James Bond 007: Casino Royale
-The Orb
-Raid over the River
-Sunder: Land of Divide
-Mario Kart Revolution
But, there are a lot more of games. There are a lot more of Developers and publishers that will bring to Revolution more and very interesting games. Exactly, I will talk more about those titles in the next days.
The Secrets
The Famicom Revolution has too many secrets, has too many rumors, and yes, has too many possibilities. EA’s muller talked about “Touch Sensitive Feature”. What is it? What can it be? What will we see on GCD? And on E3 2006?
I’m Tortus.
And I have more about Revolution.
Believe it or not, the Great Day is coming.
The Revolution is: NEAR
You should return back to this blog every day, for see if I write more information.
It isn’t a game. We aren’t playing with you.
This is a search. The search for Revolution.
Join us here, on Famicom Revolution Blog.
It's time for the part 2.
toRtuS Project: todos envienme un correo.
vas a decir algo el 6???, nintendo registro nuevo nombres raros
En Español:
¿El 6? ¿quien eres?
mañana haré un nuevo post, pero ya tenia planeado hablar el 6...
¿a qué nombres te refieres?
de ahi lo saque, lo del 6 tu mismo lo confirmas, ademas en la pagina alguien tradujo algo que tu escribiste exactamente igual, pense que podrias ser tu..., tu blog esta muy bueno
Sí, ya sabía de esos nombres...
Yo dije "la proxima semana" no dije cuando exactamente.
En qué pagina dices que viste algo que yo escribi exactamente igual? en la de revogamers? dame el vinculo por favor.
Que bueno que te guste el blog, y se va a poner mejor conforme pase el tiempo. Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia, hazmela saber ;)
perdon no ha sido exacto pero si me parecio muy similar la forma en que acomoda lo de las generaciones de consolas, con las tu hiciste en el blog de n-rs...
supongo que eres Necro.
Pues la opinión de este tipo no es tan errada desde cierto punto de vista. Pero prefiero quedarme con mi definición ya que para mí hubo un gran cambio antes del Famicom y despues de este. Así, antes del Famicom, con consolas como Atari o Sega MS, fue la primera generación de los juegos, pero Nintendo vino a salvar dicha industria y comenzar una nueva generación en lo que a videojuegos se refería, y esto fue consolidado por el Famicom y el Super Famicom. La tercera generación son todas aquellas consolas después de los Famicoms.
Y ahora, con los Famicoms Revolution veremos no solo el inicio de una nueva generación, sino de una nueva era en sí.
Lee mi ultimo post sobre "el retorno del rey".
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for the last guy that made a comment:
sorry guy. I said that I will speak in the next days. Can't you understand it?
But, I had said a lot of things very interesting. This isn't a blog as Osoko's or aZrev's.
This is a Revolution Site.
Only read, and enjoy.
They're announced... right?
Nintendo can announce "Pikmin 3", as example. But, it will appear?
Nintendo has announced too many games that didn't saw the light.
Even so, if Orb, Darkness, Thorn and Sunder won't see the light at least, it don't cares now.
After all, in Reggie's words, small developers can create games for Revolution. It'll be a "Democracy".
I never had a blog before, guy. It's the first. Ah guys, you're so scared and confused 'cause the "iNsiders".
I'm different.
But, you're not a developer.
Crossbeam Studios has 3 games in development: Orb, Thorn & Darkness.
They'll have a great possibility to develop their games. I don't have any doubt that they will have, or also they have a publisher. You can develop games for Revolution if you can. Remember what Reggie said.
Your comparation doesn't match.
Thanks for the comments.
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